Command Line Parameters for Installing Medical QAWeb Agent

Article number: [3114] - Legacy code: [1049]

Applicable to

Several command line parameters exist to install QAWeb Agent with special functionality. This list gives an overview of all parameters and explains what they do.

All of these parameters need to be used in combination with the appropriate command line script. As an example, this is how a command line script is built:

  • When using setup.exe: setup.exe /v"PARAMETER=value ANOTHERPARAMETER=anothervalue"
  • or when using MSI deployment: msiexec /q /i "MediCal QAWeb Agent.msi" REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus PARAMETER=value ANOTHERPARAMETER=anothervalue


  • All parameters are CaSe SeNsItIvE.
  • Parameters can be combined in one setup command. Add all commands between the quotes, separating them by a space.

Parameters for QAWeb Agent:

  1. RELAYHOSTNAME=xyz: Replace the xyz with the actual hostname or IP address of the QAWeb Relay which is installed in the hospital. This is particularly useful in situations where the broadcast does not automatically detect a QAWeb Relay, for instance when the QAWeb Relay software is installed in a DMZ or UDP is disabled on the hospital network.
  2. NOAUTODETECTMDRC=1: Avoid Clinical Review monitors to be detected and added automatically by QAWeb Agent.
  3. CUSTOMPOLICY=custompolicyfile.xml: Install QAWeb Agent standalone with a custom policy. More information about this in the QAWeb Agent Online User Manual


Last updated Jul 23, 2024