XMS Virtual Edge is a software to monitor and manage ClickShare devices, it is available as an Oracle VirtualBox, Hyper-V or VMware compatible OVA file. A fresh install of XMS Virtual Edge 2.x must use a virtual machine created from this OVA.
Initial deployment -> a DHCP server must be accessible by the virtual machine, the image needs DHCP to initialize, it can be changed to static after the system registers.
The OVA file defines the following (recommendation) for the virtual machine:
- Number of Virtual CPUs: 4 Cores (in the hardware version processor is Intel Core i5, 7th generation)
- Amount of RAM: 4 GB
- Size of Hard Disk: 40 GB (preferred thick provisioning, although thin will work)
- XMS Edge has no firewall inbound rules (there are no inbound connections that traverse the firewall)
- Only outbound rules are required (see referenced KBs for external destination URLs that need to be in the Firewall exception list)
- Hypervisors are binary compatible backward, the latest version of each is supported. If an exception is noted, please open a support ticket. NOTE: Nfacilitatingo helper tools have been installed in the VM faciklitating this position.
NOTE2: vCenter is not supported as VMware tools are not embedded in the VM
NOTE3: Barco will not provide any form of Terminal access to the operating system