weConnect - How to answer a quiz or poll

Article number: [2742] - Legacy code: [7811]

Applicable to

When a lecturer starts a quiz or poll by selecting (1). Student/Participant will see the timeline be replaced with the quiz and poll input dialog. Time can be adjusted from the teacher's interface (5). There are 3 different types of Polls such as:  Double (2) , Multiple Choice (3) and Open Questions (4).  



Host has launched Multiple choice poll (3). The student has 30 sec (by default) to provide an answer. If all participants answered the question, a Host can stop the poll, or extent the time in case it is needed. 


For every quiz or poll, you get a limited time to answer, you can see how many seconds you have left underneath the answer options.

When you have answered, you get a confirmation.

When the poll has ended, the teacher can decide to show the correct answer and how the complete group has answered. 2 examples below:

For open answer quizzes and polls, you can type your answer in the answer box.  Some questions only allow a minimal amount of characters.  You can see how many characters you have left underneath the text input. After timer is passed, no more actions are possible to be done.




Last updated Jun 14, 2022