This interactive e-learning course shows How to Install and set up the CineCare gateway for CineCare web.

Topics include General installation information (pre-requisites, how to set up connectivity, supported devices) and a guide to the installation and set-up procedure.
Students will engage in a simulation of the software installation in order to practice the process.

Target Audience

Enumerated list: Field Engineers, Installation and Service engineers, maintenance engineers.


myBarco account



Goal: To be familiar with the requirements for and the process of installing and setting up the CineCare Gateway

    No certification
    자세한 내용
    기간: 30 minutes
    가격: Free of charge
    사용 언어: en

    개인 교육 계획, 인증 프로그램을 방문하거나 취득한 인증서를 다운로드하십시오.

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