This interactive e-learning introduces you to QAWeb Enterprise and covers the system and network requirements, the policies, security and Privacy.

A comparison between QAWeb Enterprise and it’s the predecessor MediCal QAWeb will also be provided with an overview of how to migrate and get started. Basic trouble shooting will also be provided.

Target Audience

Barco Partners

Targeted Roles: Design engineers, R&D, Installation and Service engineers, Maintenance engineers, solution architects, Field Service engineers, Support engineers, Help desk employees, Service coordinators, Pre-sales engineers, Repair technicians, Escalation engineers, Customer care managers, Customer Service managers, ...



    This e-learning is aimed at providing an introduction to QAWeb Enterprise. 
    There is no certification on completion of this course; it is however part of a program where you will be required to complete this e-learning course to attain certification. You will receive a Certificate of Achievement to show you successfully completed the “Introduction to QAWeb” training.
    자세한 내용
    교육 형식: e-러닝
    기간: 20-30 minutes
    가격: FOC
    사용 언어: en

    개인 교육 계획, 인증 프로그램을 방문하거나 취득한 인증서를 다운로드하십시오.

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