This training consists of 2 parts; The Instructor led training and the online assessment.

This training consists of 2 parts; The Instructor led training and the online assessment. 
Once you have completed the class training you will be granted access to the Assessment. This must then be completed within 5 days of the class training, to attain your certification.

For available dates of the classroom training please first enrol for this program (using the “Get started link provided) and then go to the “HC-Barco Certified Specialist- QAWeb Enterprise – Class” link. If dates have been scheduled, go to “Register now” to view the dates and to register
If no dates are available, please use the “Assign to me”: A list of available class dates will be posted on your learning plan (in the Available Classes section) as soon as they become available.

Following the successful completion of both the training and the assessment, you will receive the Healthcare "Barco Certified Specialist QAWeb Enterprise" certification 

Target Audience

Barco Employees, Barco Partners, end users

Targeted Roles: Installation and Service engineers, Maintenance engineer, solution architects, Field Service engineers, Support engineers, Help desk employees, Service coordinator, Pre-sales engineers, Repair technicians, Escalation engineers, Customer care managers, Customer Service managers, PACS Managers, those responsible for the management of the QA status of Diagnostic workstations

You must complete the “Barco Certified Healthcare Associate – Partner Induction QAWeb Enterprise Support” program and be in possession of a valid Associate level certificate, before registration on to the Specialist level class session will be accepted
After successful completion of both the instructor-led class and the exam, you will receive the “Healthcare Barco Certified Specialist – QAWeb Enterprise” certification
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Trainingsformaat: Leerprogramma
Duur: 1 complete day (8 hours) (or 2 x half days (2x4 hours) via remote classroom)
Prijs: “€/$ 500 per seat (Partner Discounts apply). Price includes: syllabus, lunches, certification. Excludes: travel, taxi, hotels accommodation and dinner Note, Training delivered via the weConnect Virtual Classroom is offered FOC”
Gesproken taal: en

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