
Share Buyback

Based on the authorization granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of 25 April 2019, the company launched a share buyback program.

The company currently owns approximately 2.51% of its shares which it uses for stock options plans as part of its employee incentive plan. The company wants to use repurchased shares to replenish the pool of own shares for future stock option plans.

The share buyback program will start on December 19th, 2023 and will end latest on April 24th, 2024.

Barco has mandated an independent broker to execute the program on its behalf with the intention to purchase a maximum of two million (2,000,000) shares of Barco NV.

During the course of the program, the company will inform the market about the purchased shares at regular intervals and in accordance with the applicable regulations (Article 207 of the Royal Decree of 30 January 2001, as amended on 26 April 2009).

Get in touch

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Barco company address

Beneluxpark 21
BE-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel: +32 56 23 32 11

Barco registered office

Pres.Kennedypark 35
BE-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel: +32 56 23 32 11

Barco NV Legal Entity Identifier: 549300N17QCD827TII61
Barco Inc. Legal Entity Identifier: 549300VZHO7QC2YUVO96