#1. Get the job done with one vendor.
Barco’s true end-to-end control room solutions include large video walls in all key technologies (LED, LCD, RPC), media management, workflow support and analytics for optimal integration. Our extensive portfolio allows to build the best suited solution to ‘view better, share faster, resolve quicker’.
#2. Make your critical decisions everywhere
Visualize and analyze the data in big or small control rooms. Share the critical information faster over the IP network to collaborate with colleagues in break-out rooms on site. Easily also involve remote stakeholders – outdoor and on satellite sites - when needed.
#3. Integrate all sources into one video wall
Display a virtually unlimited amount of data and video sources on one Common Operating Picture (COP). Your wall, your way with the display technology that fits your needs and real-estate possibilities. And to help you out configure your perfect wall in no time, check out our Barco video wall configurator.
#4. Improve operator ergonomics, 24/7
Create a Personal Operating Picture (POP) for your operators to work in real-time, with an integrated view and without any desk clutter. One mouse and one keyboard are all it takes to have access to and interact with all sources on screen.
#5. Be ready to scale
With technologies that can scale as your control room needs grows, you’re futureproof from the start. Barco also keeps investing and linking with key eco-system players to secure you an optimal integration and standardization at any time.
#6. Get best-in-class support
Minimize downtime, optimize TCO and ensure smooth operations as of day one with our extensive Enable – Protect – Optimize service offerings. Experience support up to 10 years, and even beyond. Now also with cloud-based video wall management to allow remote diagnosis and reduce on-site interventions.
#7. Count on Barco to just make it happen
Barco has been active in building control rooms since 1994 with a track-record of thousands of installations. Our mission is to help you with solutions for small to large control rooms, for different verticals and to answer your specific need for critical decision-making.
If you are looking for a control room, big or small, get in touch with us now!