The transportable cave is a great solution for both new and experienced virtual reality users. It allows
people who already own a cave or power wall to expand their capabilities by making the equipment
and expertise accessible to their customers, colleagues, suppliers and other important stakeholders.
This technology allows people who currently rely only on head mounted devices (HMD) to begin
exploring the benefits of a more collaborative and comfortable VR display solution. Being able to step
into the cave with customers and colleagues while seeing each other and viewing content together
is a major advantage of the cave compared to an HMD.
Work in a comfortable way, expand collaboration, see more detail
Compared to an HMD, any Barco cave solution will allow the user to expand collaboration, see more detail and work in a more
comfortable, ergonomic way. The 3D glasses are lightweight, wearable over reading glasses, and allow users to still see each other
and the environment around them.
The cave provides a simultaneous view of the content by multiple people in the same space. One key user is tracked and responsible
for controlling the content, and others can be in the cave with the key user with all parties able to interact with each other. They can
review the details of the project together in the same environment, tremendously enhancing the scope of collaboration.
Multiple projectors provide content — 3 in total for this system. Images are projected onto 2 side walls and 1 floor screen. The sides
are cave-optimized rear projection screens to provide wide viewing angles and high contrast. The broader viewing angle combined
with the millions of pixels from the projectors’ displays more detail and offers significantly more insight into the project.
The transportable cave makes all of the above possible, allowing you the flexibility of taking your VR expertise and your project on
the road.
The concept of the transportable cave
The system is comprised of 2 sides and one floor screen. Major components include the projectors, the projector mounts, mirrors and
the screens. Rear projection is applied on 2 sides, while front projection is applied onto the floor.
For each side, the major components are built inside a flight case, which holds the high quality rear projection screen, the projector,
projector mount and mirror. Extra tools such as a ladder and shelves are mounted inside each flight case to make it a quick and easy
process to set up and deploy the system.
The floor screen is stored in one of the side flight cases, with the floor-supporting structures located in the other side flight case. It
is recommended to store projectors, lenses, cables in their boxes during transportation, for which another flight case is provided. A
total of 3 flight cases is used, one for each side of the main cave structure and a third one for storage.