
In the mission critical environment of control rooms, understanding what drives success and operational efficiency is crucial. Our recent survey, among more than 2000 control room professionals, has shed a light on indicators for success that matter across various roles. Results reveal not only top priorities, but also significant differences faced by professionals in different operational contexts. This is the first part in a series of insights taken from this survey. 

The definition of success in control rooms

The top KPIs for control room professionals

"How is success currently measured in your control room?". That was the question we asked our pool of professionals. "By correct actions taken by operators" and "By response time to alarms or incidents" emerged as the top priorities for control room professionals. Having a closer look at the data reveals significant variations between different roles. This gives an excellent insight into what matters most for their specific job functions.

control room report survey 2024

Different people have different expectations

Although all professionals prioritize 'Correct actions taken by operators', there is a differing emphasis on key problems. We list the most striking differences per job function.


41%: By response time to alarms or incidents


49%: By correct actions taken by operators

IT managers

42%: By impact level of critical incidents

C-level management

32%: By accuracy and completeness of documentation

The difference between working in highly efficient and less efficient control rooms

Q: How would you rate the operational efficiency in your contol room?

How would you rate the operation efficiency in your control room report survey graph

The graph shows that 21% of respondants work in environments of 'Improving efficiency' (0-6), 56% in 'Optimizing efficiency' (7-8) control rooms and 23% in 'Advanced effiency' control rooms. Results show that the level of operational efficiency in the contol room impacts the perceived personal productivity, job satisfaction, and root causes of control room problems.

Personal productivity increases in more efficient control rooms

Q: How would you rate your personal productivity?

control room report 2024 survey results graphs

In efficient control rooms, 91% of professionals are content

Q: All things considered, how satisfied are you with your work?

control room report 2024 survey results graphs

A contrasting view on problems

When categorizing the key problems of today, there is a remarkable difference between professionals, depending on the efficiency score they give their control room. 'Workflow complexity' and 'Reactive decision making' are the most prominent issues for all control room professionals. The third problem, however, differs depending on the level of operational efficiency. The figure shows the fixed top 2, and highlights the number 3 for the different levels of efficiency (0-6, 7-8, 9-10).

animated gif control rooms report 2024 survey

NOTE: Click on the arrow to slide to the next table


Success and operational efficiency in a control room are not objective concepts. They are subject to a person's job function, experiences, and environment. Operators, for example, focus more on operational tasks, while C-level management prioritizes organizational objectives.

Interestingly, the current challenges in control rooms differ based on operational efficiency in that environment. In less efficient control rooms, a significant problem is lack of knowledge transfer (so, internal issues). Conversely, in highly efficient environments, professionals worry most about cybersecurity threats (external challenges).

Professionals in highly efficient control rooms spend less time on monitoring and relatively more time on optimizing. In contrast, staff of environments with less operational efficiency spend more time monitoring, analyzing, responding and documenting, leaving almost no time for optimizations. This means that low efficiency is a vicious circle.

We will continue to bring you more insights from our control room survey, so stay tuned to our site!

If you want to discuss the efficiency of your control room and explore how Barco can help you improve, please don't hesitate to contact us!


About this research

Sample description

Professionals employed and working in control room environments

Target group

54% users: Operators and supervisors

46% decision makers: IT managers and C-level management


2144 control room professionals


Global spread, multi-country, across 6 verticals

  • Americas: 41%
  • EMEA: 40%
  • APAC: 19%
Data collection

Online survey, in collaboration with an external agency


Insights in today's work in a control room and the perceived future of control rooms

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