18 de mar de 2021

Agoria awards Barco as ‘Employer ready for the future of work’

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End of 2019 Barco committed to help shape the future of work with Agoria and a number of other Belgian companies. As a result the Belgian employer organization and expertise centre for technology-inspired companies recently awarded Barco with the 'Employer ready for the future of work' label. Agoria applauded our commitment to ‘Be The Change’ in the world of work and our support to the develop and apply of technological innovations on the workfloor.

"We are proud to take part in the 'Be The Change' charter and consciously work on the challenges of tomorrow's job market, both on a corporate and a social level. Of course, this award by Agoria was the perfect opportunity for Barco to continue to innovate and invest in the future of our employees, products and services.” says Ingeborg Arens, Senior HR Business Partner at Barco comments.
Investing in the future of work

When signing the ‘Be The Change’ charter, Barco decided to work on 4 different objectives, that are perfectly in line with our company DNA.

  • invest 20% of R&D budget in technology solutions that enable 'remote services' in the healthcare, education and business services sectors
  • map and reduce travel within the company
  • organize site visits for students and their teachers to introduce them to Barco’s technological solutions and to share knowledge
  • bring further digitalization to a higher level by sharpening the skills and competencies of employees

Of the 82 companies that made the initial commitment to achieve the label, Barco is one of the few that already achieved what they promised.

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