14 de set de 2022

Barco replaces its content team with AI bot for copywriting (not really though)

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OK, that title was some serious clickbait. But it was only to lure you in for this great competition linked to our latest issue of the brand magazine Bright Insights… So, if you’re interested in winning a prize – who’s not? - keep reading!

So, no, Barco didn’t furlough its great team of copywriters, but in line with the magazine’s topic of innovation, we did experiment with an Artificial Intelligence copywriting tool in the latest edition of Bright Insights. I mean: you can’t write about AI and machines taking over the world, without testing it first-hand, right!

Spot the bot

How? Well, we threw in some words in the AI tool which then produced a ready-made blog article. We just added some minor ‘human’ finetuning and lay-outing. Et voilà.

So, now it’s up to you to find the AI written article in the magazine.

Think you can spot the bot? Enter your answer via this form before October 31st to have a chance at winning an inspiring prize!

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