
Uninstall MXRT drivers using the Barco System Cleaner tool

Número do artigo: [2808] - Código legado: [7640]

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In some cases (Driver update, problem resolution, setup reinstallations...) Barco recommends first uninstalling completely the current Barco drivers, DLL's and Barco software programs from the workstation. To perform this action correctly, Barco has developed a tool that deletes all Barco components. Once, the system is relieved from the previous software components, a new driver installation can be done on the workstation 

N.B: There is a method to remove all Barco software components except QAWeb (this method will be shown below, see 3a) 

N.B: This method can also be used if an installation did not run as expected (unexpected problems came up such as a wrong resolution, display not recognized, Barco Productivity tools not usable, Barco MedSelf Exam missing etc...) 


 1) The Barco System Cleaner tool is automatically installed together with the MXRT Driver installation package. Once installed, the tool is located in C:\Program Files\Barco

2) Run as administrator (Right click) the Barco_System_Cleaner program. 

If you want to continue, please confirm with y or Y

3a) To keep QAWeb (QAWeb will not be uninstalled during the clean up), enter n or N  at "Do you wish to continue?"


N.B: If QAWeb should be uninstalled as well, please jump to step 3b) below

By selecting "n", the program will close.

Please open as administrator (Right Click) a new command window as follow: 

In Windows the Command window:

  • Browse to the directory of C:\Program Files\Barco\
  • enter the command line Barco_System_Cleaner.bat -keepQAWeb 

Proceed as shown below:

And confirm with y or Y

3b) If all Barco components including QAWeb should be removed, please confirm below question with y or Y

4) All Barco software packages are removed. Windows will restart for the first time.

5) Once the workstation has restarted, a second restart is required to complete the uninstallation process.

6) After the second restart, the MXRT display controller is not recognized anymore, the MXRT drivers have been deleted, the C:\Program Files\Barco folder is also not present anymore and the windows resolution is set to a standard value. 


7) From now on, the system is clean and can be reinstalled with the MXRT driver installation package.

Note: Do not forget to reinstall QAWeb Agent should you have chosen to uninstall it. If you are using QAWeb Server as well, don't forget to connect the QAWeb Agent to QAWeb Server and reaccept the workstation as a reinstalled workstation on QAWeb Server.

Other Options

-keepQAWeb: This option will ensure that QAWeb will not be uninstalled. You will need to reinstall your graphics driver after cleaning has completed to have full functionality of QAWeb.

-nowarn: This option will skip all warning messages and cleaning will complete without further user interaction. (Note: User login interaction will still need to be initiated during cleaning process when rebooted, unless the operating system is set to login User automatically).

-removeusagedata: This option will remove usage data from AppData (by default this information is kept).


Atualizado em 19 de jun de 2024