
URLs and ports used by ClickShare

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This article describes the urls and ports the ClickShare system requires to be opened in your corporate firewall per functionality.


1For devices to communicate to XMS Cloud
  • "sil-xms-prd01-iothub.azure-devices.net" Port "443" **
  • "*.cloudapp.azure.com" Port "443" ** 
  • "silxmsprd01sa.blob.core.windows.net" Port "443" 
  • "*.azure-devices.net" Port "443" (IOT XMS for device control)  
  • "barcoprdwebsitefs.azureedge.net" Port "443" 
  • "xms.cloud.barco.com" Port "443"
  • "*.core.windows.net"  Port "443" (for device logs)
  • "azure.microsoft.com"  Port "443" (for connection test)
  • "*barco.com" Port "80' (for firmware download)
2For Registration/FW update
  • www.barco.com" Port "80" (location of the JSON file containing the firmware file list)
3Dedicated for XMS Edge devices its own firmware
  • "update-xms.cloud.barco.com" TCP Port "443"
  • "*.cloudfront.net" TCP Port "443" *
4Dedicated Base Unit Firmware download to XMS Edge
  • "update.barco.com"  Port "80" **
  • "barcoprdwebsitefs.azureedge.net" TCP Port "443"
  • "sil-xms-prd01-iothub.azure-devices.net" TCP Port "443"
5Dedicated CX/C series firmware; (Cloud update)
  • "update.cmp.barco.com" TCP Port "443" (related to warranty status)*
  • "assets.cloud.barco.com" TCP Port "443" *
  • "global.azure-devices-provisioning.net" TCP Port "443" (one time for registration @ startup)
  • "eeprom.cmp.barco.com" TCP Port  "443"
6Dedicated CS/CSE series firmware
  • “d3ougq224v1a9r.cloudfront.net” TCP Port “443” *
  • "cs-update.barco.com"  Port "80"
7To use the XMS Cloud portal on a PC
  • "xms.cloud.barco.com" TCP Port "443"
8Dedicated for Barco ClickShare Desktop App
  • “assets.cloud.barco.com" TCP Port "443" * 
  • "api.amplitude.com TCP port 443"


*These are redirects generated by Amazon Web Services that can change and are managed by Amazon.
**These are redirects generated by Azure Cloud Services that can change in the future and are managed by Azure.


Последнее обновление 12 февр. 2024 г.