
weConnect - Lecture Management

Артикул: [2768] - Устаревший код: [7752]

Применимо к

Browsing the lectures

If no lectures have been planned, started or ended, then this will be empty. Otherwise, it will look similar to this:


The lectures can be filtered based on a number of parameters:

  • Title: search on lecture title
  • Start date: lecture started on that date
  • End date: lecture ended on that date
  • Status: planned, started, finished
  • Location: selecting a location only returns the lectures which were performed at that location

Lectures can be removed by selecting them, clicking the 'Actions' button and clicking 'Remove'. Multiple lectures can be selected at the same time and all the lectures on this page can be selected by pressing the checkbox on the top-left of the list. 

Moreover, if a Session is active for i.e 'Python Essentials' it can be stopped or removed by clicking the Actions button available in this page. In additions, sessions can be filtered also based on Recording Option.  

Note 1

Lectures started without a specific start and end time will by default last for 2 hours.  5 minutes before the 2 hours are over the system will check if the system is being used.  To be considered an active lecture a teacher must be active by having a browser open, running weConnect.  Starting a quiz or showing content on the main classroom display will not trigger the end of the lecture.  The teacher will be presented with a dialog to extend the lecture with another 15 minutes if no activity has been detected.  The lecture will end when the teacher does not answer positively to the extension request.

Note 2

For the UI node functionality and the quiz/poll features to work as intended, it is important to have the time and time zone for the display nodes set correctly.  This can by setting the bios clock correctly during install.  We suggest to set the clock to UTC time.


Последнее обновление 14 июн. 2022 г.