Disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 2 May 2007: Transparency law
Kortrijk, 3 July 2012. Barco n.v. discloses the information required under article 15, § 1 of the Law of 2 May 2007 regarding the disclosure of important shareholdings in listed companies.
Information as on 30 June 2012:
- Total outstanding capital: 54,542,391.88 euro
- Total number of outstanding ordinary shares: 12,757,156
- Total number of outstanding warrants: 711,315
- Exercising warrants results in the creation of the same number of shares leading to an equal number of voting rights.
Reason for the changes
Reduction of the number of outstanding warrants as a number of warrants granted in 2002 reached maturity.
According to Barco’s bylaws, the threshold as from which a shareholding needs to be disclosed, has been set at 3%.
Notifications of important shareholdings to be made according to the Law of 2 May 2007 or Barco’s bylaws, should be sent to [email protected].
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