
ClickShare Button does not share to the Base Unit when wallpaper is disabled

Artikelnummer: [8236]

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When the wallpaper is disabled the Button connects but fails to share the Base Units Wi-Fi.
When plugging in the Button the ClickShare App shows "ready to share" and the button ring becomes stable white, when pressing the Button the Button LED ring turns red for a very short period and returns to a solid white state with no content is displayed.
After rebooting the Base Unit, the first attempt to connect with the Button works correctly, with consecutive connections the problem will arise again.
This issue only occurs when connecting with the Button. While making a connection through the ClickShare App the connection and sharing of content is successful.


The issue is resolved in the ClickShare firmware version 2.16. Please upgrade your Base Unit to this version or the latest available version.


  • Use an active wallpaper.
  • Use the ClickShare App as alternative to the Button to connect to the Base Unit.


Zuletzt aktualisiert 14.08.2023