Apps & accessories

ClickShare has several tools at your disposal to help maintain the quality and security of your wireless meeting room system.

ClickShare Apps

The choice on how to connect & collaborate with ClickShare in the meeting room is entirely up to you. Next to sharing content with the Button, you also have access to a selection of productivity tools and to the Desktop App for pc or Mac. Download the mobile App for PC & Mac or for mobile devices to bring your own device and start sharing instantly and intuitively.

ClickShare Desktop App

App for wireless conferencing and content sharing

  • Start wireless presentation and conferencing in less than 7 seconds
  • Compatible with Windows and Mac
  • Intent-based Smart Meeting Flows
  • Secure by design
ClickShare Mobile App

App for wireless content sharing

  • Share the full screen of your mobile device on the room display
  • Compatible with iOS and Android
  • Follow the content shared on the room display on your device
  • Save screen shots of shared content for later reference 

ClickShare accessories

ClickShare Button

Iconic ClickShare device to join meetings in one click

  • Start wireless presentation and conferencing in less than 7 seconds
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Clear indication when sharing content
  • Compatibe with Windows and Mac

ClickShare services


This is included in the purchase of each ClickShare Conference and Present unit,. It offers five years of coverage (upon registering your devices) and a license to the XMS management plaftorm for data and insights.

Talk to us

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions. Our team will gladly point you in the right direction.

Ready to upgrade your meeting room? Not sure where to start?