8 jun. 2020

Webinar Highlights: Why security should never be an afterthought in the Digital Workplace

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Hybrid meetings scream for even more security and data protection in the meeting room. Barco's David Martens introduces you to how security design is set up in our ClickShare and ClickShare conference range. If you missed our free webinar, no worries, we noted down these key takeaways for you!


At Barco  we take security very serious. We want to make sure customers have the highest level of security we can provide. In this webinar we offer you all the newest background & insights on how ClickShare security is designed with safety, privacy, and confidentiality in mind. Our Product Security Architect David Martens takes you on a journey along this hot topic.

Cybersecurity is a continuous topic and can pose a threat throughout the lifecycle of any product, services or company. Especially in meeting rooms and in our new ‘normal’ way of meeting remote and hybrid, data is shared continuously. So keeping that data secure is a must. Therefore in our connected world today, any company should be agile, all data should continuously be secured & encrypted. Security should be on top of the list for management. All to ensure a minimum of vulnerabilty exposure.

Risk mapping

How can you best assess vulnerabilities in your network? By using a risk mapping matrix you can analyse the situation better: what is the likelihood of a threat and what is the impact? Which enables you to take the best actions to address & prevent risks. Be aware, cyber security management is a continuous process. Your work is never done! Risks evolve over time!.


What are the biggest security risks in the workplace?

The rise of hybrid working methods is actually a real risk nowadays. You share a lot of data with colleagues, with external people beyond the borders of the traditional corporate network. In a network it is easier to classify data and define which data can be accessible for anyone (website, manual...) or should be confidential  and even restricted within the company (e.g. only accessible for the boardmembers). Data managment in the workplace will be even more critical in the coming years.

Vulnerabilities of wireless communication can be tackled with good wifi-planning and a well-managed network integration of your units. 


Is using open source software in tech solutions a bigger risk? 

Open source means that a lot of contributors have worked on the software, which makes it even more mature and secure than software which is only developped in-house. There is a risk here because you work with licences. You need to identify which open source files you apply in the product and follow up on any possible update carefully to apply this update to your software. An additional operational risk is in the selection of the open source files. Don't pick files that haven't been maintained over the past years and only have a limited set of contributors... The power of the community makes open source a trustworthy solution.


Critical success factors when buying a new solution

Keep these 3 factors in mind when deciding upon a new tech solution for your workplace. What processes, certifications and guidelines does the manufacturer have in place to ensure your data safety?

During product design, security architecture should be there from the very beginning. In the development lifecycle of your product, non-functional requirements like the ones for security should be added next to functional requirements at the start of any design process. Security controls should be added throughout the development cycle to detect security issues early on, even within the design stage.

Secondly, the organization needs to be ready to react in an agile way should security incidents happen. And also resources and budget are needed to work on security. A certification like ISO 27001 can be a good guide here. This means a company has all the right processes in place for good security management.

Finally there is also responsibility on your side, that of the customer or integrator side. You should manage information on security; have a well-managed network, consult manuals on how to securely configure units and follow  best-practises on installation. A new responsibility is to update units carefully to have access to all new security patches. And the most easy task is, change default passwords!


Watch the webinar now

If you want to know more detailed information about how easy and secure sharing data with wireless conferencing and collaboration can be; here’s a full recording of the webinar.