15 févr. 2023

Barco included in the BEL ESG Index and recognized for its sustainability-driven business


bel esg index an steegen rings the bell

Sustainability is a core part of the Barco DNA and today, our commitment to leading sustainability-driven business was recognized by Euronext. Barco was included in the new BEL ESG stock market index together with nineteen other top Belgian companies.

The BEL ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) index is a brand-new addition to the BEL index family of Euronext. It has been created to boost sustainable business by incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into investment decision-making.  
The new index lists the Belgian companies from the BEL20 and BEL MID indices that demonstrate the best-performing ESG practices.  

BEL ESG uses the Sustainalytics rating as one of the key criteria to select companies for this index. Sustainalytics is one of the external rating agencies that regularly assesses our ESG efforts and has ranked Barco favorably on numerous occasions. 


An Steegen (CEO) was present today at the opening bell ceremony at Euronext Brussels. She added:

´We are very proud to see ourselves included in the BEL ESG index. This achievement reinforces our efforts and strengthens our determination to keep working hard towards a sustainable future. Leading business that is good for a flourishing planet and its people is a priority for us at Barco. The inclusion on the BEL ESG index puts Barco more prominently on the radar of the investment community, where ESG is an important factor in decision making.´

Sustainability at Barco  

We firmly believe that sustainable business is good business – and vice versa. To that end, we are committed to taking ownership of a sustainable future.  

Sustainability at Barco incorporates safeguarding the future of our planet, and being responsible for our employees and the communities in which we operate, and is based on three pillars – Planet, People, and Communities. 

Read our 2022 report on planet, people & communities