
How to comment out/block ports in CMS server firewall

Numéro de l’article: [1901] - Ancien code: [12513]

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How to comment out/block ports in CMS server firewall?

  1. Connect CMS server terminal with putty
  2. Go to firehol configuration using the command: cd /etc/firehol/firehol.conf.d/
  3. Edit configuration using the command: sudo vim barco.cms.ports.conf
  4. The above steps may ask for a password, please supply as needed
  5. Find out the below lines in the opened file
    • server custom unpriv tcp/4563 default accept
    • server custom unpriv tcp/12345 default accept
  6. Add a # at the start of these lines like below:
    • # server custom unpriv tcp/4563 default accept
    • # server custom unpriv tcp/12345 default accept
  7. Save the file:
    • Press key: ESC
    • Type in command: :wq!
    • Press ENTER key
  8. Reboot the server using the command: sudo reboot
  9. Press ENTER key

If above all steps are executed successfully, you have blocked said ports in the firewall of the CMS server.

In case of any queries/issues, please contact Barco Support!


Dernière mise à jour 19 juin 2023