
How to use extended desktop mode with ClickShare?

Numéro de l’article: [2956] - Ancien code: [5036]

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If you need this functionality simply to view your presenter notes whilst sharing a PowerPoint presentation, please consider using the Presenter mode with ClickShare Desktop App. This is available on both Windows and Mac and doesn't require the installation of the the ClickShare Extension Pack.


  1. The extended desktop mode on ClickShare requires the installation of the ClickShare Extension Pack, which is available for Windows and can be downloaded here.
  2. The extended desktop function is only selectable when no second screen is already connected/configured in your windows configuration.


The advised method to use the extended desktop mode is to install the ClickShare Desktop App, which can be downloaded here.

Alternatively, you can use the ClickShare App launched when you insert the ClickShare Button in your PC. However, this requires that the firmware version of the ClickShare Base Unit is 1.9.1 or higher. It is only applicable to ClickShare CS(E) Base Units.
More details on how to use Extended desktop can be found in the dedicated KB 2588.


Dernière mise à jour 16 nov. 2023