
ClickShare Button LED ring keeps spinning and never connects to the Base Unit when the RingCentral App is installed

Numéro de l’article: [7100]

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When plugging in a ClickShare Button, the LED ring keeps spinning, the ClickShare App is stuck on ‘preparing’ and never connects to the Base Unit. The RingCentral App is installed and running on the device.
Our investigations indicate that a recent release of the RingCentral App is blocking the ClickShare App to communicate with the plugged in ClickShare Button.
The RingCentral App seems to lock the HiD device that the ClickShare Button exposes and therefore blocks other apps from using the device. The ClickShare App is not able to access the ClickShare Button and is stuck on ‘preparing’. The Button waits for a connection and continues to spin it’s LEDs.

Reference link:


Disabling the RingCentral App will allow the ClickShare App to connect to the Button and allow you to share to the room display.
Alternatively you can install the ClickShare Desktop App and use it without Button to host a conference call or share your content.


Barco is committed to assist in helping to resolve this issue as it continues to investigate and will provide an update once more information is available. Main corrections will need to come from RingCentral so it is advised flag the issue with your local service contacts at RingCentral

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Dernière mise à jour 30 oct. 2023