
Where can I check the status of my SmartCare activation?

Numéro de l’article: [9541]

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The status of your SmartCare activation can be found at these following places:

  1. The warranty widget on the Barco website .
  2. The ClickShare web configurator .


1. Using the warranty widget on the Barco website.

  1. Browse to
  2. Scroll down until you see the warranty widget.
  3. Enter the serial number of your ClickShare Base Unit.
  4. When you see a valid Service contract end date SmartCare contract is activated on this Base Unit.


2. Using the ClickShare web configurator.

  1. Browse to the web configurator of the Base Unit (how to: see KB 2324).
  2. Navigate to System > XMS (on Base Units with firmware version prior to 2.6, navigate to Wi-Fi & Network > Services > XMS Cloud Integration).
  3. There, you will find the SmartCare status of the Base Unit.

The Base Unit will check the Barco SmartCare system on daily basis until it received a confirmation of the SmartCare activation.

Note that this requires that the Base Unit is connected to the internet (at least for 1-2 days).


Dernière mise à jour 5 mars 2024