
How can I view the Medical QAWeb calibration or test results

Numéro de l'article: [2729] - Ancien code: [7855]

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QAWeb calibration or test results can be viewed in a readable format in two ways:

1. Centrally, via QAWeb Server

  • Sign in to the QAWeb server and go to the department for which you need the report
  • Click 'Reports' in the left-hand menu
  • Click on 'Show' next to 'Test Report'


  • You can export the report to PDF or Excel

2. Locally, via the QAWeb Agent

  • Open the QAWeb Agent on the workstation
  • Click 'Change user' at the top of the window and log in as an 'advanced' user (see linked [KB855] for the login information)
  • Click on 'Status' and see the test report by clicking on 'Infonext to the test for which you wish to see the test report.
  • Alternatively, you can also click the 'View the history of all actions on this workstation' link which will show you a table of all actions which were performed on this workstation.


  • You can export the report to PDF


Dernière mise à jour 18 juil. 2024