
Miracast does not connect

Numéro de l’article: [4878] - Ancien code: [11126]

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Windows sporadically create multiple profiles per Miracast target device.

In our case, multiple profiles are created for a single Base Unit.


Run through this process to check if this clears your issue:

Check the registry for this entry, back up the entries and then delete them all, profiles will be recreated on the next connection.


If you have administrator rights on the PC also check and delete this entry if present.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Device Association Framework\Store

There are two more possibilities we have discovered:

  • FIPS 140-2 enabled in the wireless GPO profile may cause issues
  • Active Directory may block WIFI Direct. WIFI direct is used by Miracast
    • Run this OS command at a DOS prompt: gpresult /h c:\reports.html
    • Next, open c:\reports.html, then click show all at the top of the report
    • A search for WIFI direct will display what policy Active Directory is setting.



Dernière mise à jour 31 août 2023