Do you want to comply with ISO13485? - The 7 clauses and the requirements explained

This certification training course introduces the specific regulatory and quality agreements from ISO13485 and FDA applicable to Barco’s Partners.
Topics specifically include explanation of the 7 clauses and the arrangements and obligations imposed on Barco’s customers.

Target Audience

All Barco Healthcare Customers/Partners.
Typical roles: Purchasing Managers, QA, Regulatory officers, Product Managers


myBarco account (application at


Goal: Understand the regulatory requirements that Barco will impose to their customers.
Obtain certificate of successful completion of this course and become approved Barco HC customer for medical devices

After successful completion of the exam, the participant receives the “Barco Healthcare - Regulatory Requirements for Barco Partners ISO13485” certification
En savoir plus
Formule de formation: E-learning
Durée: 20 minutes
Prix: FOC
Langue: en

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