

In this interactive e-learning you will learn about the Barco warranty and repair policy applicable to the SUMO products and solutions; what is and is not included.

An overview of the Barco Care service contract options will also be provided, and the key terms and conditions will be explained (including DOA and return conditions)

Target Audience

Barco Partners

Barco Employees




To gain an understanding of the Service offerings, what is covered by Barco’s Healthcare Warranty, the Terms and Conditions that apply to the Surgical imaging and Modality products and solutions

There is no certification on completion of this course; it may however be part of a program where you will be required to complete this e-learning/course to attain certification.
En savoir plus
Formule de formation: E-learning
Durée: Approximately 30 minutes
Prix: FOC
Langue: EN

Consultez votre plan de formation personnel, vos programmes de certification ou téléchargez les certificats que vous avez obtenus.

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