Can I use non-Barco display controllers with the Barco diagnostic or clinical displays and MediCal QAWeb?

商品编号: [3925] - 旧代码: [7685]



The Barco driver is finely tuned to provide a medically-focused system solution, providing the performance needed for PACS systems, and the support expected from Barco.

While off-the-shelf drivers deliver high 3D gaming performance, the Barco driver additionally focuses on what is needed most for Healthcare professionals; such features include a complete 10-bit imaging solution, improved 2D rendering pipeline, extensive multi-monitor testing and modifications, a longer lifetime than commercial products, guaranteed full refresh rate on all Barco displays, and guaranteed QA Web compatibility.

Barco also delivers a driver that has been validated on multiple PACS software packages and in the most commonly deployed configurations for HP, Dell, and Lenovo.

Non-Barco display controller validation

Barco validates a limited set of non-Barco display controllers to be compatible with our Barco Healthcare display products.

For a full list of compatible display controllers and drivers, refer to the documentation on our Barco support page here, to identify which version of the Barco Displays on Non-Barco Controllers document your specific card is captured.

Best practice: When there is a non-Barco board in the system, you must first install the driver for the non-Barco display controller before installing the Barco driver. Furthermore, it is highly advised to always connect USB cables between the Barco displays and the workstation to ensure communication between MediCal QAWeb and the displays.

What about onboard display controllers in combination with MXRT?

  • Barco does not recommend using onboard display controllers in combination with Barco MXRT display controllers.
  • In case your workstation does have an onboard display controller, we recommend disabling the onboard display controller in the BIOS settings of the workstation. Please refer to the user guide of the workstation to find out how to properly do this.



上次更新时间 2024年7月18日